
I seem to be keeping my nose in a book (er Kindle) lately…I played in my sketchbook with some new markers I got earlier in the week and I finished a journal page.  Here’s the journal page:  Lots of layers and final embellishment with some Souffle gel pens:


I tried out some new Dick Blick Studio markers…they are ok but nothing to jump up and down about:




Here are two good source books….lots of ideas for cutting stencils or doodling.  I ordered both of them at Amazon.


All of these photos are from the Flowers and Plants Motifs book.  It has Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Greek motifs, to name only a few categories:









Have a great weekend!





more patterns……

I made some more patterns, two of which, I’m sharing here.  I’m not on Twitter or Facebook….so, I’m not seeing anyone else who may be doing patterns.  Oh well, I’m having fun all by myself 🙂  I did finish a face I had started in my old book journal.  I am too critical of myself when I do realistic faces.   I was trying to use colored pencils and get more shading action going…don’t think I succeeded. I have problems with hair and the mouth isn’t right.  Plus, the book page was covered with masking tape and the surface was too rough.  That’s why we try things, so we learn 😀  The smaller page is an earlier doodle that I did….I printed it off and went over the lines with a Sharpie marker.



The pattern pages were done in my little sketchbook that I made from watercolor paper…

On this one,  I started with random spots of watercolor.  I used Tombow Markers and a pen to define patterns:


This one also started with watercolor…a stripe pattern this time.  I used a black Prisma chisel tip marker to make the black marks:


In a few days, I’ll post my 2-minute microwave fudge recipe…it will take you longer to put it together than cook it.  Cheers 🙂

Making patterns……

I see the snow flakes are falling in WordPress land. 🙂  I was reading a blog yesterday that mentioned making patterns for the month of December.  I was instantly intrigued.  I love repeating patterns, etc.  I think that’s why I like to do zentangle type drawings.  So, naturally, I had to see what it’s all about.  This blog is new to me:  a is for anika    If you care to try this, she extends an invitation to join her in making a pattern each day for the month of December.  You choose the media.  I don’t know if I will make a pattern every day, but I’m going to try to do it several times a week.   

I have had another website in my favorites a long time. It’s a wonderful source for pattern.  The blog is called Print and Pattern.  The current page (Dec.3) has a great story about the British designer, Laura Ashley.  Laura got her start making silk screen scarves.

Here is


first pattern:


Miscellaneous Doodles

Traci Bautista’s Creative Doodle class will be ending soon.  It has been a great experience…especially since I love doodling!  I used a black Pitt Artist Pen to draw this doodle today. I ordered a book from Amazon,   Pattern Motifs: A Sourcebook  by Graham Leslie McCallum.  I was inspired by two of the flower motifs and incorporated them  in my doodle below.  The back of the book says that  “these copyright-free images can be photocopied, enlarged or traced for design work in any creative field.”  He also has two other books…one has flower and plant motifs and the other one is animal, bird & fish motifs. 

This is another page from my little cereal box journal. I started with an acrylic paint background….used Wite-out pen to draw the design.  Last of all, I used Caran d’Ache crayons to add color.