Journal Page – Reinvention

I tried out my new yogurt maker yesterday.  The book that came with it said that you can use milk right out of the refrigerator….next time, I will heat the milk because I think it will shorten the incubation time.  I made two quarts of yogurt.  I had two wide-mouthed quart Mason jars and they fit perfectly with the higher lid.  Viola! It was easy! 

I also spent a great deal of time at Traci Bunker’s blog today.  If you were like me, and it’s been awhile since you’ve been there…I think you will appreciate taking a look around, especially, if you are into art journaling.  She is doing “30 Days of Carving” and today was Day 10.  She is using dollar store erasers to carve all kinds of great stamps.

Here’s my latest composition book journal page.  I reused a previous piece of my art work  as suggested by one of the journal groups I joined.  You may recognize the angel from a previous post.  Her wings were cut from some painted phone book pages.