Doodles & Books

I have read three books in the past week, plus a few days…maybe that’s why I’m not getting anything else accomplished.  One of the best books I have read lately is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. I found it on Amazon while searching for another book.  Check out the book on Amazon…it’s gotten high praise by most of its readers.  Another book I read is The Witch of  Hebron,  a sequel to World Made by Hand, both by James Howard Kunstler.  Here’s what Publishers Weekly had to say about this book:  “Kunstler’s post-apocalyptic world is neither a merciless nightmare nor a starry-eyed return to some pastoral faux utopia; it’s a hard existence dotted with adventure, revenge, mysticism, and those same human emotions that existed before the power went out.”  The third book I read is Digital Fortress by Dan Brown.  I really didn’t like it very much but I kept on reading until the end. 😮

Today I finished this piece I had started on a piece of watercolor paper.  I used some of my foam stamps on the background  and some collage pieces.  Then added to that with black India Ink using my dip pen.  I hope to get the denim jacket finished some time this week…I’m trying to decide what to do about the sleeves.