Post Card Art

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been obsessing about making post cards.  Hanna hosted a Post Card swap about a month ago (  She is a talented artist. She has lots of great journals and various mixed media art on her blog.  I have recieved lots of great post cards from all over the US and a few in other countries.  Thank you each and all!!!  These are from people who entered Hanna’s Post Card Swap:

and three more


 there is

this one

You will need to click on this link to see the bigger picture:


I have also been trading one for one.  Here is a card I got on Monday from my friend Janet.  Go to her blog and you can see the card I sent to her plus all the wonderful journal pages that she has been doing.  She made a pledge when the year started to do a page every day . Go here:

 If anyone wants to trade post cards one for one, send me your snail mail address at my email at the top of the sidebar. You choose what medium to use, do it, put 28 cents on the back or whatever it is in your country, and drop it in the mail.I’m keeping the size to 4 x 6 inches…I’m ready to make some more!