
“If you want things to be different, perhaps the answer is to become different yourself.”  ~Norman Vincent Peale~

I have a painting started but I haven’t worked on it lately.  I’m fighting a sinus infection and haven’t felt up to par this past week.  It’s been cold and damp in my little basement art room…so, I’ve been relying more and more on my sketchbooks for art.  I can grab a pencil, pen, or marker and work while trying to stay toasty and warm.  I’m fortunate that I don’t live in a really cold part of the country.  The winter seems colder to me this year,  or maybe, it’s bothering me more this year.

I used a Pilot permanent pen and a Blick Studio marker (basic gray 2) on this face.  I think I drew it first with the pen and added the shadows of gray later.


This doodle piece was done with the same marker as above but this time I used a black ball point pen.


I did this last night.  I tore out some interesting pieces from a magazine.  I really had no set plan when I started.


Here are some little bits of some pages in my little sketchbook:


