make our mark…

…”none but ourselves can free our minds”—-Bob Marley

Another year is winding down, the season has changed, it makes for a time of reflection.  As I get older, I find that I live more in the NOW.  I hear some of the noise out there…just a little…but I refuse to watch the news.  I used to listen to some alternative radio talk shows, but now, I’m not even doing that.  For the rest of the time that God grants me, I’m going to make ART.  I’m going to make art and be at peace with myself and all others who come across my path.  That is my goal.

I’m taking another class.  This one has really inspired me to start painting on canvas (or wood).  The instructor is Kate Thompson over at “The Trodden Path.” Click on groups and classes to find her classes.  The one I’m taking is called Painting and Composition: Mixed Media and Fabric Collage.  For me, it’s been one of the best classes I’ve ever taken online.

Here are some pages from my little sketchbook:






“When confronted with any human problem,  instead of laboring for an improved human condition, 

turn from the picture and realize the presence of the divine spirit in you.”

Joel Goldsmith in The Infinite Way


Here are a few snippets from my little sketchbook and parts of journal pages, etc. that I have done in the past few weeks:

The first two are from my little sketchbook…part doodling and part collage:



I saw this on my way down to the art room:


I happened to have some white acrylic paint out when I came across this piece of magazine page:


this painted magazine page will end up as collage fodder:


Have an artful week!!!

beyond the fartherest star…

“Yet even beyond the fartherest star God knows the way”

-from the Little Golden Book about God

I used this quote on a journal spread I did for Andria‘s journal.  We exchanged journals (from the round robin group) again because we discovered we had gotten each other’s journals once instead of twice.  I have already gotten my journal back from her.  I finished her last spread yesterday.  This spread has about four layers ….it wasn’t coming together for me.  I finally got fearless and started spreading paint and gluing down magazine collage pieces. I wish I hadn’t put the doodles on it….too late now.  Here it is:




This next spread features a stencil by Christy Tomlinson and some of my mark making.  I didn’t write the quote correctly…I hate it when that happens 😦



Here are some snippets from my sketchbook:






My hubby loved the comments about the frame he painted (see previous post).   Art is our main job now that we have retired 🙂  We don’t sell any of our work, it’s mainly for our own enjoyment.  I have an Etsy shop but haven’t put any items in it (yet).  Have an art-filled week!


guest artist & more sketches…

One thing that most of you do not know is that my DH is an artist.  I’m trying to talk him into doing his own blog.  We are redoing a half bath in our house. The new color is a lavender gray color.   There was an ugly wooden framed mirror hanging on the wall.  I like to recycle what we have, so, I asked him to do his magic on the frame.  He likes to do lots of geometric shapes in his work….here’s the frame after he finished with it…I waiting for it to completely dry before putting the mirror back into the frame.  I really like how it turned out:



Here are three sketches with my Progresso woodless graphite pencil:





 I think these were a combination of mechanical and woodless graphite:



I put some color on this sketch:


That’s all for now…Have a creative rest of the week!!!