ICADs(Index Card a Day) and more painted papers…

A really quick post to show my ICADs, for July 6-8. ICADs are a two month long project hosted by Tammy at Daisy Yellow.    I’ve also been painting more patterns on paper.  The second lesson of the “Sewn” class by Mary Ann Moss was posted this morning…I watched the videos once but I’m going back to take another look at them.  If you don’t know about “Sewn,” there is a short video on the sidebar  by Mary Ann  explaining about the class.  So far, I’ve been having great fun slinging paints and inks all over the paper.

ICAD 36 is collage from magazine pieces:


ICAD 37 is painted deli paper glued onto the card…and I wish I had not added lines…oh well:


ICAD 38 is all magazine collage…I was going to use some advertising logos but this is how it turned out:


This is growing right by my bird feeder in the back yard.  Three Sunflower plants have grown there all by themselves from stray seeds that the birds missed:


Here are some painted papers from the weekend:


another shot:


One more thing.  I want to mention,  is that Karen over at MAIL ME SOME ART has several swaps going on this month.  There is a button on my sidebar that will take you to her mail art blog.  One of the swaps that intrigues me is a zine swap that must be mailed to her by July 29th.  I hope I can do one…I have a lot of projects going on right now but I’m going to try to enter that swap.  The zine is all complete on one piece of copy paper.  Go here to read about how to fold and cut the sheet of paper to make a zine.  She made a video to show the entire process.   She made two examples to show how she made a zine from a single sheet of paper.