flowers for this week…

Here are my current entries for the May Flower Challenge. I haven’t been keeping track of how many I have posted.  This past Saturday was my birthday.  My hubs went all out this year and got me a dozen white Roses.  They have been so pretty but now the petals are starting to droop.  This first photo is one of the blooms:

These next two photos are wild flowers that grow in our area.  I don’t know the name of the daisy-like flower…I have heard some say they are Black-eyed Susan.  The white flower is Queen Anne’s Lace.  These are very common along the roadsides, fields, and along the edges of some yards.

This next photo is my neighbor’s Hydrangea Bush.  It can’t decide which way to go…having both pink and blue blooms and shades in between:

These last three photos are some pieces I’ve made the past few days.  The first one is started with collage pieces that had been painted and inked.  I glued them onto a small page in my big journal.  I used watercolor and pen to define some areas.

Wallpaper flower with a doodled background:

As you can see, this isn’t a flower.  I glued some pieces of security envelopes, junk mail and scrapbook paper in my small Strathmore watercolor journal.  I used two kinds of pens to doodle…one being my old standby: Sharpie fine point marker.