watercolor woes…

“For the artist, drawing is discovery.  And that is not just a quick phrase; it is quite literally true.” ~John Berger


I’m taking Mary Ann’s class “Sketchbookery.”  There’s only one more week of class after this week.  It is possible for old dogs to learn new tricks, I hope, I hope?  I have always enjoyed Mary Ann’s style of teaching.  She makes sketching fun.  Just “keep on going” if you make a mistake, she says.

I made a sketchbook using the covers of a composition book.  I wanted something small that wouldn’t have lots of pages.  The book has about 20 pages counting all the flap pages as a page.  I stitched the signature to the cover using a running stitch.  Here is the front cover.  It’s not a watercolor…it’s a page from a magazine that I painted over with gesso and acrylic paints.


This is the back cover… bright watercolors:


This is the first page in my sketchbook:


Page two is a flap page.  I sketched this face from a Dover book:


Here are some small sketches in another sketchbook.  It doesn’t take watercolors very well:




(click on the small photos for a closer look)

…until next time

5 thoughts on “watercolor woes…

  1. roxi July 17, 2014 / 8:52 pm

    I love your sketches!!!!!! Now I want to try to blind contour for the hand!!!!!!


  2. Irena July 17, 2014 / 9:43 pm

    Love your cover and all your sketches. Good idea about using a composition book. I’ll have to try that for my next sketchbook.


  3. Janet July 21, 2014 / 10:36 am

    LOVE everything on here. Your sketches are good and your journal cover is so cool. You know I always love your art!


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